Welcome to TakshaShila Centre for Learning


The Takshashila Centre for Learning was established on 30th November 2005 for catering of the Information need of the users of all categories in Transpek Silox Industry Ltd. Basically the aim is to develop an E-library for the family of TSIL. The main objective of TSCL are as following.


1. To create a knowledgebase within TSIL, to facilitate continuous improvement in the skill level of the Human Resource of the Industry.

2. To act as a breeding ground for for new ideas which shall usher in new project/projects, thereby augmenting the growth of the Organization.

3. Developing database in chemistry literature, specially in the area of inorganic chemistry.

4. Developing collections of the literature/books and periodicals related to various functional areas such as HRM, Finance, Import/Export, Marketing, Materials, EHS and IPR etc.

5. Creating Databanks and Databases for various functional areas of the Company.